Deep Defossilization Pathway

The climate emergency has been regularly in the spotlight in many media for ten years : the concern is gaining consciousness, we can never do enough to prevent a major future climate catastrophe. However, some countries in the world as China and especially Europe are ahead for the massive deployment of non-fossil energies, future innovations that will achieve carbon neutrality.
     The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels has already begun to decrease for electricity generation, not only in Europe. In the uses of heat, we also observe the results of a European policy started in the 1990s.
     Remains the transport sector, the most difficult to get rid of fossil fuels.
     This document summarizes the main past, present and future developments that have made Europe the leader in the fight to limit the scale of climate change.

Soon, ” Deep Defossilisation Pathway “, 32 p, 7 MO.

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